Shares of Groupement Foncier Agricole for sale in Haute-Marne (52)

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These properties might interest you :

Vignette - Land - Dpt Ardennes (08), à vendre VANDY terrain

Dpt Ardennes (08), à vendre VANDY terrain

10 000 €
0.1 ha
Votre agent commercial en immobilier Stéphan Henriet (Capifrance) vous propose, ce magnifique terrain d’agrément ou verger se trouvant à flan de colline sur la vallée de l’Aisne. I...
Vignette - Vineyard - Sell ​​Vine Côte des Bar. Seine Valley

Sell ​​Vine Côte des Bar. Seine Valley

330 000 €
0.3874 ha
Very beautiful plot, well maintained, sold subject to a new 25-year lease as part of a family transfer and the advantage of a discount on the open market price. Opportunity to be s...
Vignette - Vineyard - Sell ​​Vine SILLERY Grand Cru

Sell ​​Vine SILLERY Grand Cru

225 400 €
0.161 ha
Ideal Grand Cru investor Beautiful little vineyard of 16.10 acres taken over on lease by a brilliant Récolant Manipulant. Payment paid in cash or in bottles. Opportunity to be seiz...
Vignette - Vineyard - PIERRY Premier CRU Vine

PIERRY Premier CRU Vine

872 000 €
0.6705 ha
Divisible set of six plots sold under the conditions of a 25-year lease and harvest delivery commitment contract, for a total surface area of ​​67.05 ares available after harvest. ...
Vignette - Land - Investing in Champagne, historic areas - family adventure

Investing in Champagne, historic areas - family adventure

50 000 €
0.0999 ha
As part of a capital increase following the purchase of a plot of vines in the historic Champagne sector of the Côte des Blancs. 2 lots for sale of €50,000 Our wine land group (GF...
Vignette - Land - Your investment in Champagne

Your investment in Champagne

250 000 à 500 000 €
0.9 ha
From 10 ares to 3 ha. Become the owner of vineyards in Champagne, we have various confidential files that we will present to you after having exchanged with you. The fees of 6% ar...
Vignette - Vineyard - Champagne: Plots of 1st and Grands Crus vines up for grabs

Champagne: Plots of 1st and Grands Crus vines up for grabs

0 à 100 000 €
0.1 ha
10 acres Very beautiful plot of vines in highly sought-after vintages, to be seized for your wine investment. The current operator is passionate about viticulture. The fees of 6%...
Ma balise

Projet d'aide à l'installation ou au développement

100 000 €
5 ha
Vous êtes vigneron ou vous souhaitez vous installer ? Vous cherchez un mode de financement vertueux pour vous agrandir, financer un chais tout en trouvant de nouveaux circuits de d...